Health Hack: Four Healthier Fast Food Alternatives

by Micki
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McDonalds Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken

Fast food has long been touted as something we should all avoid, and for most people that’s simply not an option.

If it isn’t an option for you, don’t despair! You can find healthier alternatives at some of the most popular fast food places out there.

Here are four healthier fast food alternatives and a few quick tips on what you can do to make any fast food meal healthier.

What you should know about eating healthier fast food

Don’t load your food down with calories from condiments. In most fast foods, the majority of calories come from sauces. For example, just half a packet of BBQ sauce form fast food joints will raise the calorie content by as much as 25 calories!

Watch out for portion sizes. A large meal is actually two servings, so you are really consuming twice as much as you need or should.

Side dishes are major villains for calories. Fries, onion rings, and other such sides raise the calorie content of fast food meals by almost half. Instead of these, try a salad or a fruit cup.

Watch out for calories in drinks. While many people joke about the absurdity of ordering a diet soda while eating a greasy burger, you actually will save calories this way, thereby reducing the unhealthiness of the meal.

Order off the dollar menu. The foods there are cheaper and smaller, and they contain less calories. Plus, you can customize your order the way you want much easier.

Four healthier fast food alternatives

Here are four quick picks for healthier fast food alternatives:

KFC Honey BBQ Sandwich

Nutrition info:

280 calories
3.5 grams fat
60 mg cholesterol
780 mg sodium
32 grams carbohydrate

Wendy’s Ultimate Grill Sandwich

Nutrition info:

320 calories
7 grams fat
70 mg cholesterol
950 mg sodium
36 grams carbohydrate

Taco Bell Fresco Style Bean Burrito

Nutrition info:

330 calories
7 grams fat
0 mg cholesterol
1,200 mg sodium
54 grams carbohydrate

McDonalds Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken

Nutrition info:

320 calories
9 grams fat
70 mg cholesterol
970 mg sodium
30 grams carbohydrate


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