10 Ways to Exercise Without Ever Hitting the Gym

by TheParentSpot
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It isn’t hard to stay in shape without going to the gym.

Does that sound surprising?

Well, it’s true and here’s how: You can work out with every day activities. Even a simple change in your every day routine can make a huge difference in your over all health and fitness.


Take the stairs 

Usually take the elevator to your office? Try the stairs! Have kids in tow while attending a doctor’s office on the third floor of the clinic? Pick them up and use them as weights as you take the stairs. These little bursts of energy will raise your heart rate and after one week of constantly taking the stairs you will see a huge difference in the way you breather once you reach the top.

Play with your kids

Speaking of kids, how often do you play with them? Run around the yard, swing them around, jump on a trampoline, play on playground equipment. Just 30 minutes of play a day can increase your energy and fitness levels, but it also has another benefit: bonding. Playing with your kids shows them the benefit of being active as you get to spend time with your family.

Walk to the store or coffee shop

Instead of driving three block to the store or coffee shop, walk! If you have to carry heavy bags back, even better. This is a great way to get a workout in while accomplishing something you were going to do anyway.

Walk the dog

Even if you have a yard, walk your dog around the blocks a few times. This is great for both you and your dog, and it also promotes bonding. If you have children, take them along and make it a family routine to walk the dog once a day while the kids get out and say active with bicycles or skateboards.

Get active on date night

Ditch that usual date night routine of dinner and a movie with a healthier dinner and dancing the night away under the stars or in a night club. Benefits other than losing weight and being active? You get to have fun and reconnect with your spouse! Exercise releases feel-good endorphins, and if you have those endorphins pouring out while having fun with your spouse you’re set up for a great night.

Take a commercial break

When the commercials are on, you can get a quick workout in before your favorite sitcom commences. Do some jumping jacks for a whole commercial segment, then sit-ups the next time around, then squats, etc. You can get in a great strength training routine in a one hour program by doing this, and you never have to leave your living room.

Workout in the cold

When its cold outside, your body will expend more energy to keep warm, which burns more calories. Workout outside in the cold by going snow skiing, ice skating, or even just by having a good snow-ball fight. It’s fun, gets you moving, and burns tons of fat.

Deep clean your house

If your house needs cleaning, get to it in high speed. The faster and harder you can clean, the faster you will finish the process and the more calories you’ll burn. Turn on some music and dance from room to room as you clean. The benefits? A toned body and clean home!

Office break

Sitting behind a desk all day can drain your energy. Take a brisk walk around the outside of your office building on your lunch break and other breaks. It will help boost your energy, help you refocus, and get you moving. Remember to take the stairs down and back up again to increase the workout! Another way to make the office your gym is to stand as you work. Standing burns 33 percent more calories than sitting, so stand for 30 minutes as you check emails, or stand at coffee breaks instead of resting.

Get a physical interest

Like skating? Get out and skate? Riding bikes? Do it! Swimming with friends? Hit the water! The more fun you have while doing a physical activity, the more likely you’re able to do that activity. Get friends together to keep each other motivated and get to having fun as you get in a great workout.

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