Some helpful tips for how to save money on groceries without coupons!
Does it seem like you’re spending more and more on food every week? It definitely seems like that in our house.

It’s especially hard if you’re looking for health upgrades for your grocery list, and want to eat healthy on a budget, since fresh produce and healthy foods tend to be more expensive.
Back in the day, the advice I always heard, over and over, was that you needed to clip coupons to save money. Honestly, it was a huge pain in the butt, and I’m glad those days are gone. Sure, coupons can save you money, but they’re not the only alternative to saving cash on groceries
How to Save Money on Groceries without Coupons
Luckily, it’s getting easier and easier to save money without using coupons at the grocery store.
Try these simple ways to save money on groceries without coupons!
Plan your meals ahead of time
If you plan your meals ahead of time, you’re much less likely to pop to the store for a more expensive impulse item. Plus, you can take advantage of items that are on sale. To help, use a meal planning service like PlateJoy, or plan on your own.
Use an app
Apps like Ibotta are so much easier than clipping physical coupons. Just shop normally, and scan your receipt into the Ibotta app. Ibotta says it will send you cash back on that item within 1 week.
Get Ibotta on the Apple App Store.
There’s a helpful list of apps that can help you save money on groceries here.
Try to Avoid Convenience Food
Cheese comes in grated form, bread is available sliced and you can buy peeled potatoes and carrots, but such semi-processed products cost a lot more. You will need to invest a little more energy into preparing your meals using ingredients that have not been pre-sliced, but you will feel the difference in your purse, too.
Buy Larger Quantities
Smaller containers usually cost more, so try to buy larger containers of yoghurt, bigger bags of chips, larger boxes of orange juice whenever you can.
Experiment with Cheaper Cuts of Meat
Most home chefs use only a couple of cuts of meat and those cuts are usually the most expensive ones. Take a look at cheaper cuts, too – some of them are really flavorful and they will inspire you to try new recipes, too.
Buying whole, uncut chicken is another great way to save money ad so is buying chicken on the bone, instead of boneless, skinless breast or thighs.
Build Stocks When the Prices Are Low
Buy the products that you regularly use in your household when they come at a discounted price. Stockpiling toilet paper, cleaning products, soap, salt, flour, sugar and other, similar products is a great way to save money – try the method for a couple of months and then calculate how much you have saved, you will be surprised.
Cook at Home
Eating out and meals delivered to your home are much, much more expensive than preparing your own meals. If you have been avoiding cooking because you don’t think you have the time for preparing elaborate meals, there are so many great 15-minute recipes available online as well as in cook books that you can surely pick some delicious recipes to include into your family favorites.
Plan Ahead
You can also save a lot if you take the time to check out the catalogues of your favorite grocery stores and to plan the meals that you will cook in the next few days around what is on offer.
Buy Only What You Need
Check your shelves before you go grocery shopping and try to avoid the shelves with products that you don’t actually need. To make it easier for yourself to stick to this rule, prepare a shopping list and don’t buy anything that is not on the list.
Never Go Grocery Shopping When You Are Hungry
An empty stomach and a store full of food is not a good combination, so grab a bite before you enter the store, you will spend less and you will spend more wisely if you don’t have food fantasies.
Looking to save some more money? Check out these posts: